: you take lessons ,practice and play more ,get better clubs ,etc. however all this doing won't be optimally effective unless you first change your mindset, you must be a better golfer on the inside you must start to see, feel think and behave like a better golfer in order to be a better golfer. Similarly in order to have more freedom, joy and financial success as an owner, you must do new strategies i.e. systematize your business, utilize marketing, etc.). In order to optimally do these strategies you must first be more effective business owner-mind, body, and soul. Like any award winning actor do not just play the part, become the part you must change on the inside before your external realities change. How do you escape the nauseating details and headache of your business? How do you gain greater freedom? You must make the great mental leap from that of employee to that of business leader. first you must acknowledge your technical bias your addiction to being busy, and your uneasiness with delegation. next you must adopt the "big picture" mind set of a chief executive officer(CEO). you must be a CEO in mind and spirit to get the results you seek. you must think ,feel, see ,taste, smell and hear like a CEO.if you don't start thinking like a CEO, it will be nearly impossible for you to start behaving like a strategic business owner and truly working on your business in a proactive ,purposeful manner. the choice is yours. step up and be a leader, not a micro manager!
I would like also to share with you what I would call a TECHNICIAN’S ADDICTION.
Some business owners sometimes amuse me instead of working
on their businesses, most owners are trapped working in their businesses,
slaving away and grinding it out. Interesting, isn’t it? Instead of working on tomorrow, they are preoccupied
with working in today they end up majoring in minor things. It always beats my imagination when I find a
CEO worrying about office
supplies and instead of office processes.
Focusing on accounting details instead of holding their employees
accountable. Worrying about the
company's vision plan instead of planning the company's vision. Reacting with short term, short lived fixes instead of
proactively creating long-term solution.
And some even fixate on their
mail, email, or cell phone calls instead communicating their expectations to
their key managers or employees. Why
waste a lot of time doing things right instead of doing the right
things. They do the wrong type of work really well. Trust me if you are doing
this you are chasing your tails!
Are you trapped in the body and mind of a doer instead of a
leader? Be honest, do you fall into the routine of doing the work of an
employee or technician instead of the work of an owner or leader? Do you
neglect such areas as vision, creation, strategic
planning, system development, profit improvement,
team development, employee accountability?
As previously discussed you are probably a successful technician that caught the entrepreneurial bug several years ago and
bought ,inherited or started a business related to your technical skills. You
are too comfortable with and good at handling such details. Such expertise, unfortunately,
has strong tendency to suck you into the nook and chinks of the business. These
technical assets can be real liabilities and traps for an owner trying to be
more proactive and strategic.
Let us take a simple example may be you were a gifted house painter
who thought "i can start a painting business on my own." From the get
go, you probably functioned in a technical capacity or the business systems. You
worried about selling and performing painting jobs you probably didn't worry
about how to design and building a painting business with you as CEO.
Consequently you function as a jack of all trades painter that
also happen to own a house
Painting company. You
are more technician than a leader. Instead of focusing on the
Business of painting
why spend much time focusing on the technical work of painting. You
Spend far too much time painting or micro-managing your
painters and not enough time
Painting your company's future. Because of your technical comfort zone, you
are trapped doing
the work of a painter, not the strategic work of a leader.
OK let me try to drive the point home, being a good computer
programmer and running a successful Programming business are two different
roles and worlds. Writing codes is technical and tactical work. Just because
you know how to do the daily technical work of programming, for example doesn't
mean you know to design, build and
manage a business that does the work of programming.
Technical experience is insufficient background for running a business.
Similarly, if your background is selling, finance or production,
your bias will get you buried in the selling, financial and production details
of the business. You must escape you technical conditioning! Hire others to
handle such matters such matters, if necessary. Business ownership is all about
strategic leadership, not technical doer-ship, few owners understand and
appreciate such critical distinction. Tragically, owners mistake a technician's
orientation for that of an entrepreneur’s. They confuse hard work for
intelligent work. They have a technician's addiction to detail work. Sadly,
they work and Think like employees instead of owners. They do the wrong type of
work. They fail to grasp that running a business is strategic, entrepreneurial,
and visionary and requires strong leadership.
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