Let us start by
listing as many goals, dreams, values, focuses, wants needs and strategies for
happiness as we can. Now you chose the ten most important and arrange them from the
most important to the least important . Once you are done then you can
eliminate the last three and remain with the most important seven. Now change
goals into a specific result. Don't write “ I want to be rich” say “ I want $
200,000 in the mutual funds by the time am 40.”
don't say “ I want to be a musician .” say “ I want to compose 10 song
and play to them on my guitar from memory in one year.” now that you can have a list of seven action orientated goals write
down as number eight your ultimate dream. Number eight may be the same as any
one of your top seven goals but most likely it will be a summary of all your
goals . It is your meaning in life and is your ultimate strategy for happiness
and success.
Let me help you brainstorm about your most important
goals you start by fantasizing about
what kind of environment would allow your best self to emerge . Just imagine
your ideal day would be like if you had no financial hardships or time
limits. Also imagine if you had seven
lives to live what would they be? From each life get one thing you value most
and blend those vital parts into the design.
Now you break each major focus into seven additional mini strategies or goals
giving you 49 mini strategies to your 7 major goals .let us take an example if
living your life in financial freedom is one of goals list the actions you can do reach your goal
such monthly savings , investing ,budgeting.
Big lists aren't better than small lists. Big lists are
unfocused lists. Suppose your fist three goals are more important than the last
four then may be you do not need the last four .
It is very likely your eighth goal will be difficult to pin
down . However don't worry about it. In order to program yourself for success and happiness realize that ultimately you want your eighth goal to be
your mission statement . Expressing the essence of your life in the few words
who you are , where you have come from and where you want to go. It may be
rewarding but none the less extremely challenging.
It has been written and said that people who sit down and
plan their day in writing have a far great chance of succeeding than those who
do not make any plans. Therefore start each day by writing down what you want
to accomplish on a paper. Why not get a
day planner such that you look organized. Keep In mind that if you mentally
program yourself early in the day you tend to organize, focus and pace yourself
better. Right away your brain starts looking for solutions and shortcuts before
you actually do anything.
Writing down six or seven actions to be done every day is
good because you that are generally the most thoughts you can keep in your
conscious mind at any time. If you are limiting yourself to one or two actions
a day you are not taking advantage of your brain power. If you write more than
seven or eight like ten or fourteen you will likely be unable to maintain this
load for very long and will eventually burn out.
Some people find it easy and effective to write down these
actions each morning and others at the end of the previous day. Writing them
down in the morning is more practical and immediate. Writing them down at the
end of every day gives your subconscious the whole evening and whole night to
work out and look for solutions and strategies.
Make sure that your daily actions meet all or at least one of the following requirements.
- Your action should be focused. At least one of your daily actions should be related to your top most goals you remember our top 7 goals. Many times all your actions will be focused on one or more of your top most seven goals. If you establish a one goal oriented action per day as a minimum no matter how your day turns out to be bad you will be a step towards your dream.
- Your daily actions should be relevant. Write down only the most important tasks you need to accomplish . Filling your list with unessential tasks may make you think you are doing lots everyday but will actually slow down the progress of your real priorities .
- Your daily actions should be result orientated. Whenever you have to choose between the actions that show results at the end and one which doesn't show any result at the end of the day always choose the one which shows results at the end of the day. For example a carpenter when finished a cabinet you must be able to stand a side and look at what you have done and say “wow it looks great.” In other word every action you do every day should leave you with a sense of accomplishment. This is the key maintaining motivation. In a meeting where members brainstorm ideas or products to be put on the market and then choose a product to be marketed is result orientated while a meeting where every one speaks out his/her minds , doesn't choose anything but gets it all out in the open is really just group therapy . You have to remember that results have to be tangible not in words.
One way to prioritize your daily actions is to number them
from one to seven , one being the most important that needs to be done first at
the beginning of the day, two being the next and so no. whenever you finish the
action you cross it out. You have to remember that prioritizing actions is just
a tool not a way of life. If the tool stops working , takes long to implement ,
confuses more than it organizes ,then throw it away and try something else .
Never let artificial structures become more than common sense.
If you end up doing the same things every day eventually you
become bored, your actions will become meaningless, and your performance will
suffer. At this point it is important to rethink your top seven goals and your
mission statement. If it is not easy to change your goals then you have to
change the way you look at them, the time period you work at them.
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