Saturday, 22 September 2012


What exactly is a ‘life passion,’ you ask?

Passion: an “intense, driving, or overmastering feeling of conviction.” That might be the dictionary definition, but in reality, it’s hard to define “passion” because it’s a feeling that no words can describe. The history of the word passion gives it a deeper meaning that makes anyone who has found their passion smile and nod, like it’s a secret acknowledgement of what it truly means to live for something. In this article I give the 10 steps to finding your true passion.

1. Make a list of your favorite  hobbies. Write down your favorite  activities and pastimes, even if it’s
 from your childhood. You might  already spend time on your passion  without even realizing it.

2. Start a new hobby. Don’t limit  yourself to what you know. Try  getting involved with hobbies that
your friends and family enjoy. This  will lead you to discover new joys  you may have never considered.

3. Make a list of your talents. They  don’t have to be related to a specific  job, just allow the pen to flow freely  on the paper. You just might  discover a passion hidden in one of  your talents.

4. Ask your loved ones. Sometimes  other people can see what makes  you happy better than you can.

5. Look at the long-term interests  in your life. Are there themes or  events in your life that always seem
to pop up? Examine those and see if  you can uncover your life’s passion.

6. Be honest with yourself.  Sometimes people mistake their  passion for something they’re  talented at doing instead of  something they want to be doing.  Do what you love, not just what  you’re good at.

7. Make a list of things that  dominate your conversations.  If you constantly turn your talk  toward a certain subject, it may be  something you should actively  pursue.

8. Find ways to get involved in  your community. Playing  recreational sports and engaging  in activities at the local  community center can be a great  way to meet people. We can learn  a lot from others through
 conversation and circumstance.

9. Help others. Forget about  yourself and try serving others in  your community. Kindness and  charity really can unlock your real  passions in life.

10. Find a mentor. If you can find  someone willing to show you the  ropes, you’ll have a unique  insider’s perspective and a  confidant. Plus, you’ll be able to  bypass a lot of the initial learning curve.

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