Saturday, 22 September 2012


Do you want to make some extra cash from your passion, I mean
making money from something you love doing. You might want to
 make it a part time or full time job whatever the case it is fun
making money from your passion. I have  15 steps you can follow
 to make money from your passion.

Step 1. Research the job market and find opportunities that relate
 to your passion.  Your job doesn’t  Have to be a direct extension
 of  your passion, but life is a whole  lot more fun when you’re
 at least somewhat interested in your work. You can find  information
 on various  fields at government sites.

Step 2. Look through the phone book. You never quite realize how many professions there are
 until you see the enormous list of companies in a good, thick phone book.

Step 3. Incorporate your skills into your job description. Take on new responsibilities that you can look forward to (and can get paid for). For example, if you’re passionate about writing, you could offer to start a company newsletter.

Step 4. Look for your niche. Research the market to find something that very few others are doing and that you know how to do well. Then survey your market to discover their needs and desires.

Step 5. Sell your products at a flea market. If your passion manifests in a physical form like crafts or antiques, flea markets are a great place to start selling your wares. Many millionaires started with a simple booth that cost only $10.

Step 6. Sell your products to a specialty store. If your items sell at a flea market, take it to the
 next level and find a small store willing to display them for a cut of the profit. You should also be able  to raise your prices at this point, which will encourage you to go further.

Step 7. Start an online business. The online world opens countless opportunities for your products
 and services. Do some research about how to build an online business to get started.

Step 8. Pass the word around. Talk to friends and family to find out if  their businesses could use your expertise.

Step 9. Go to conventions. See what different companies are doing, and see if any of them are able to put your passions to work.

Step 10. Find out how other enthusiasts make money. You want success? Copy success. Don’t
 be afraid to give existing business ideas a creative and personal twist.

Step 11. Start small, grow big. Most entrepreneurs who make money from their hobbies started small and even part time. After you’ve started, look for ways to make your venture
 grow. The best time to start is now.

Step 12. Write a book or e-book. You can get the word out about your expertise by writing a book or step-by-step guide. We all have something to share to the world!

Step 13. Be realistic. Don’t walk away from your day job until you’re sure you have a solid income from your other  work or opportunities.

Step 14. Keep at it. Most new businesses don’t start making money for at  least two years, so don’t forsake any duties you have as a provider to yourself and your family. The   pain of passion often means that you have to work twice as hard because you’re holding two jobs
 until your business becomes successful.

Step 15. Don’t work for free. It’s one  thing to donate your time for a  charitable cause, but giving your work to companies for free (in exchange for “exposure”) cheapens   your abilities. Your time and expertise is valuable!

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